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Drones mate with queens during a brief mid-air flight. After mating, drones die, while the queen stores sperm for future egg-laying.

Bees can get intoxicated when they consume fermented nectar. This can lead to tipsy flying and even accidents within the hive.

Bees maintain hive cleanliness by having designated “bathroom” areas outside the hive. They avoid soiling the hive and practice good hygiene.

Bees build up an electrostatic charge as they fly through the air, which helps pollen stick to their bodies as they visit flowers.

Bees are excellent mathematicians. They can calculate the most efficient route between multiple flowers, a complex problem known as the “Traveling Salesman Problem.”

Honeybees can perform the waggle dance inside the dark hive, using the angle of their dance relative to gravity to communicate the direction of food sources.

Bees can become more efficient pollinators when exposed to caffeine. They remember and revisit caffeinated flowers more frequently.

When bees forage, they can experience a kind of “time travel.” They can sense the electric charge left by other bees on flowers and use it to determine when a flower was last visited.

Archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still perfectly edible.

Apitherapy involves using bee venom for medical purposes, such as treating arthritis and multiple sclerosis. It’s an alternative therapy with limited scientific evidence of its effectiveness.

Bees often exhibit “flower constancy,” where they prefer to visit one type of flower until it’s depleted before switching to another. This behavior helps with efficient pollination.

In a study, bees were trained to associate pictures of human faces with sugary rewards. They were able to recognize and remember these faces, showcasing their cognitive abilities.

Some people participate in “bee beard” competitions, where they attract and gently collect bees on their faces to form a beard-like cluster. It’s a testament to the docile nature of honeybees when not provoked.

Certain species of bees create intricate circular patterns in the sand, known as “bee circles.” These circles are mating arenas where male bees compete for the attention of females.

Bees are often associated with the Fibonacci sequence, a mathematical pattern seen in the arrangement of seeds in sunflowers and the spirals in pinecones, which can also be observed in the layout of honeycomb cells.

Some bees are more effective at pollinating certain plants under changing climate conditions. This can influence the selection of plant species that are more resilient to climate change.

In some countries, beekeeping programs have been established to help veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) find solace and purpose in caring for bees.

Bees share nectar with their hive mates through a process called trophallaxis. This act of sharing highlights their selflessness and willingness to support others in times of need.

Bees will spend their entire 3-4 week lifespan making just a teaspoon of honey and will travel up to 40 miles to pollinate the right flower.

As the honeybees prepare for winter, the male drones are murdered by the female worker bees to reduce the amount of mouths to feed during hibernation.

Because they always use honeycombs!

Because they’re a bunch of “buzz-kills”!

Because it wanted to check its “buzzfeed”!

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